Tuesday 28 December 2010

Nativity in art history

A collection of some nativity works of art from the 4th until the 20th century.

Birth of Jesus from the Sarcofago di Stilicone, 4th century, Basilica of Sant’ Ambrogio, Milan (Early Christian)

The Nativity, part of the window with the life of Christ, 12th century, Basilica of St. Denis, Paris (Gothic)

Nativity , Master of Peribleptos Church, 14th century, fresco, Peribleptos Church, Mystras, Greece (Byzantine)

The Nativity, Giotto, 1305, fresco, Scrovegni Chapel, Padova (Early Renaissance)

Adoration of the Magi, Pieter Bruegel, 1564, National Gallery, London (Northern Renaissance)

Adoration of the Shepherds, El Greco, c 1612, oil on canvas, Prado, Madrid (Baroque)

Nativity (Bébé), Paul Gauguin, 1896, oil on canvas, Hermitage, St Petersburg (Post- Impressionism)

 Adoration (nativity), Adolf Hölzel, 1912, oil on canvas

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